
Friday, March 15, 2019

Do You Choose to be Homosexual? Essay -- Biology Essays Research Paper

Do You Choose to be Homo familiar?Is it possible for one to choose his or her sexual penchant? Is ones sexual orientation something that can be changed, or is it a repair attraction? These are a few questions, among many others that know been embossed by researchers and religious organizations, as well as everyday people. Particularly, oer the last decade there have been various debates over whether sexual orientation is based on genetic factors or whether it is a choice. roughly researchers find that homosexuality, like many others psychological conditions, is due to a junto of social, biological, or psychological factors (1). Psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover believes influences including a postnatal environment have an impact on ones sexual orientation. Examples within this postnatal environment accommodate cultural behavior as well as the behavior of ones parents and siblings (1). This is incisively one specification that ones sexual orientation is determined at a young age, and is a lifestyle that is not chosen. A statement issued by the American Psychological Association can support this observation. A voice for the organization states that ...However, many scientists share the view that sexual orientation is do for most people at an early age through interlocking interactions of biological, psychological, and social factors (1).Richard Green, a psychiatrist at the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted a study that compared unmanly and masculine boys (3). In this study, Green found that children who grow up to ferment homosexual often engage in gender inappropriate depend in their early childhood. Feminine boys generally played four quantify as some(prenominal) with dolls and about a third as oft with trucks ... ...y other suggested factors. Ones sexual orientation cannot just change over shadow or within a couple of years. In many aspects, it is much like those who sing and dance. To elaborate, when hearing the biographies of ma ny of todays stars, it is said that a ample majority of them started singing or dancing between the ages two and five. The equal concept holds true for ones sexual orientation it is developed early in ones childhood.References1)Is Sexual Orientation Fixed at Birth?http//www.narth.com/docs/bornway.html2)Is Being human Natural and Do We Have a Choice?http//www.gayline.gen.nz/natural.htm?o=03)Homosexuality Chosen Lifestyle or Fixed Orientation? http//www.religioustolerance.org/hom_fixe.htm4)Homosexuality Genetics & the word of honorhttp//www.qrd.org/qrd/religion/judeochristian/another.effort.at.explaining.the.bible.and.queers

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