Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Communication And Professional Relationships With Children Essay
1. Establishing reckonful, professional kinships with barbarianren and newfangled mountain 1.1When grazes with preadolescent pincerren we study to adjust our demeanour and colloquy to the mooring we ar in for exemplar going d aver to a childs level when m divulgeh to them so they go intot feel intimidated by you. access across as approachcapable to a child is very definitive so they can feel confident around you and feel handle they trust you. t turn out ensemble children desire to feel they be safe and apprehended and when we interact with them we should feed sure we demonstrate this. It is fine-looking that we establish these relationships proterozoic on and that we continually be break this way of life with them, value children is very weighty. All children of all abilities and cultures need to feel they atomic number 18 valued and ar in a valued and a secure environment, you should exhibit this when interacting with them. It is important that you r relationship with the children you prevail with starts off rightThis means implementing ground rules and mutual think of from the start. You need to show interest and concern when interacting with children this can serve well to gird trust. For grammatical case if a child is playing with building blocks on the plunge I would ask them an open question that included praise kindred thats interesting, can you ramify me whats going on in the picture? This encour eons autonomy for the child to think for themselves and explore their own ideas and map of vocabulary. Offering choice to the child is important beca expenditure to a greater extent independent thinkers, and when they strike something they thrive at and enjoy this improves their self-esteem.1.2Appropriate behaviour for portrays of emergence Behaving fitly with children and schoolinggirlish quite a low whilst they produce is important. When communicating with children and teenaged passel it is important that yo u remember what stages of development they argon. Lots of children of antithetic ages and needs w charge need different levels of support and attention you switch to mould their needs and their tightfistedness level. As I begin to kick the bucket with different age groups and offices I can recognise the different featureswithin the children. When working with SEN children it is important I talk to my co-workers who have assessed the childs stages of development so I chouse which areas to focus on most.Children in invertebrate foot stages and key stage 1 (age 4 to 6)This is a very fresh age range and they are still developing their verbiage and communion skills. Little things like when you are pronounceing to a child score lots of eye contact and fill out down to their level so you dont come across as intimidating and dont tower all over them. In my afterschool club we have a lecture session where the children absorb it in turns to talk using our talking stick, I stil l have to remind the children not to talk over wiz and other and to listen to each other. This drill helps them learn conference skills. After giving a child instructions to do something i.e. please tidy up the Lego, I ask them to repeat it back to me so I know they actualise what Ive asked of them. This is the age group I work with and we have to factor in that the children struggle to concentrate for foresighted periods of while and that young children excite easily so we are prepared if we potpourri from the routine they know.Children in Key stage 2 (age 7 to 11)When children start key stage 2, a lot of the children will have matured when they pass off. They will be able to converse with you having become utilise to the brotherly structure of conversation and will be little self- orientated. Some children will have more consideration and ask others to report battlefront. But, some pupils still have to be reminded about taking turns when talking.Children in Key s tage 3 and 4 (age 11 to 16)Children at this age should be used to formal and informal language, they will understand how to communicate with others and know how to use social media like texting and Facebook to keep in conjure with each other. Teenagers can become shy and self-conscious when speaking out loud so to help them regain pledge have them speak out loud in smaller groups. It is more than likely that children whose first language isnt English will unsay doggeder to develop and understand English. So their speech pattern whitethorn be different to others. Childrens development wont be stopped because theyare learning another(prenominal) language but you need to handle the child in a sensitive way so their identity is valued.1.3 dealings with dis obligatements mingled with children and young people Dealing with disagreements between children and their classmates is a regular(a) occurrence especially in early years and key stage 1. Managing their arguments you need to ge t both sides of the story from the beginning. It is important that the other child gets to dower what happened and that they feel they have been herd. When dealing with disagreements you need to find out who is in the wrong and if they need to apologise to unmatched and other. If the arguments continues after it was colonised refer to another staff member. Its important to lead by example so the children learn the value of compromise.It is important that children are able to understand how their behaviour can be affected by their own feelings it is uncorrupted to talk with them about this they have a better judgment. For example saying to a child I know its upset you that you couldnt do ceramics today this will help them see the connection between emotion and behaviour. This will help them understand about thinking of others and consideration. Where I work a useful activity called circle time helps the children understand others feelings and turn taking. sometimes our younger children struggle sitting for long periods of time so we dont make the sessions to long however this activity can be used with older children too.1.4A) Promote effective interactions with children and young people Children will constantly look up to adults and will amount the lead of the adults around them. When we show wakeless behaviour children will take this in and start to show not bad(predicate) behaviour as well. You must follow the guidelines and rules of your work place, be polite and respectful towards colleges and pupils, dress in an appropriate port. Treat everyone with fairness and be aware of your approach to situations creation co-operative and offering help to others is important when building relationships.B) Impact minusly on interactions with children and young people Children are going to be watching and earreach and always taking in what you say.The class room teacher and the training assistant and the rest of the inform staff are important to the chi ldren and big influences. Lots of children idolise their teachers so its important the teachers have bang-up qualities that affect the child that they can then imitate and achieve good behaviour e.g. if you swear in front of your child this teaches them that foul language is okay. Another example is a teacher who favourites particular students could make another student feel left out and alone this will rebelliously affect their self-esteem. Another example is if in that location is a teacher that comes across as angry and unhappy this can have a negative impact on the child.2.1How to establish respectful, professional relationships with adults Working with adults whether it be in or outside of school, you need an environment to work in that has nakedness and support from one and other. In the school environment you wont be able to work solitarily or independently to others, as well as it wouldnt be very realistic to think that you could. Although you will need to keep up profes sionalism in the school environment, you should also support your colleges, parents of pupils and both other adults in a professional and sensitive way. The relationships you have with adults may be your co-workers, volunteers, members of the school team. You will work with parents and guardians, and with other professionals who support children with surplus needs much(prenominal) as speech therapists.As a teaching assistant I come in to contact with a bod of professionals who are involved with childrens education and welfare whilst at school, from dinner party staff, school club staff to social mete out workers and school nurses. I will have different relationships with these groups of people but must fight down a professional manner regardless of the situation. Depending on the circumstances and who you are talking to your behaviour will change. For example if you bump into a college at the supermarket you will be less formal when talking with them. As a teaching assistant I am in contact with some(prenominal) people and I am like to be seen and heard by those in my community who know me in the capacity of a teaching assistant, it is part of my responsibility to behave in an appropriate manner even when not at work2.2Adult relationships as role models for children and young people It should always be remembered that when you are constantly working with young children you are regarded as a role model in their eye whether you like it or not. Social learning theory means the people learn from one another through observation, imitation and modelling. We (teaching assistants) can vest this into practice as role models, by displaying, kind, compassionate behaviour in hopes that the children we teach will observe imitate and model the behaviour. For example as a teaching assistant I prise the children when their behaviour is good i.e. when tidying up which encourages them to continue. They in turn mimic this good work / behaviour and praise pattern when int eracting with their peers. By leading as a imperative role model, I am well placed as a teaching assistant to demonstrate to the children how collaboration, negotiation, effective discourse and team work make for a success.3. Know how to communicate with children, young people and adults 3.1 dialogue across different age ranges and stages of development Whilst children grow older the way in which we communicate with them grows as well. From teaching babies their first nomenclature, to thoughtful in-depth discussions with young adults. As a teaching assistant I can change how I communicate with different age ranges, for example with my year 1 class I am very direct and use run language they will understand so they have a good grasp of the topic or the task. And with older children I can have a more in-depth conversations and let them find and figure out things with less assistants.3.2Describe the main differences between communication with adults and communication with children and young people When communicating with children in my care I will try to communicate as clearly as possible by using words and phrases their age group understand, listening and taking in what the children say, responding positively, verbal and non-verbal communication such as nodding, eye contact, hand gestures and so forth Smiling, encouraging and praising always, giving support to the children whilst communicating.When communicating with adults I work with I use language weboth understand, try to support other adults and be professional, make eye contact, respect other peoples ideas even though I may not agree with them. The school I work in we tho go by are first label this was made to make communication between parents and carers and the children more affective. So there would be less of a gap between the staff and parents and to be seen as more approachable. Some people do not agree with universe on first name basses with their pupils and see that being intercommunicate b y their last name is a sign of respect.3.3Communication DifficultiesIn my work there are a number of families who have English as an additional language so my body language becomes more relevant when communicating with them. Many children are bilingual in my work place. For some parents written communication is preferred as they have little contact with the school or myself. Electronic communication is a innate part of school life, the school even has a Facebook page.3.4Adapting Communication In a previous placement of mine we had a child who wore a hearing aide so a one on one was hired to teach her sign language so she could further her communication skills however lots of children wont get this opportunity so its important to have a clear communication by doing little things like putting the deaf child at the front of the class so they have better visuals.3.5 Dealing with DisagreementsDisagreements in schools unfortunately are quite common occurrence. Time and time again the di sagreements are down to miscommunication, these disagreements should be handled with care so that people dont carry bad feelings towards the other psyche for a long time. sometimes in the work place and with other adults we can misunderstand or misread the wrong thing when someone has communicated with us when they havent. Sometimes we can blame others for things weve interpreted as something else or being eristical and not agreeing for their point of view. If an argument occurs with other adults it is important to resolve the situation with sensitivity on both parts and try and the task as soon as possible. If the problem is left to stew and there is nada done about it, it will onlyget worse.If the problem cannot only be resolved by you ask your line manager to help out and act as the mediator. Working in an atmosphere of tightness is horrible and very hard almost impossible to work in, it is important to take action as soon as you can because the problem wont go away on its o wn. It is inappropriate and you shouldnt get in to an argument with the child or young person you work with. If a child is persistent and wants to argue with you, you should both take yourself away from the situation for a time out. If the problem continues set about advice from your colleges who may have worked with child previously or who have been in similar situations.4.Know about current legislation, policies and procedures for confidentiality and sharing knowledge, including data safeguard 4.1 legal requirements and procedures If you work with children and young people you should have some understanding of the current legislation as it will affect your work in the context of the area you are working in. Young adults for instance have different legislation, when it comes to them being able to make choices , Gilick competent young adults are empowered to make choices for themselves that may be in opposition to their careers / parents etc. For younger children such as where I work, there is a wide-eyed range of legislation to protect children The Childrens Act 2004 focused on an integrated approach to childrens function so that a slick service for children would protect them and allow for their use of social and medical services to be standardised and able to cover children even when they move from one geographical area to another.Communication between agencies such as schools, police, social care and the NHS was supposed to be improved by the Childrens Act. The common mind framework (CAF) was devised to help with this process. As a teaching assistant I may be asked to contribute to culture when assessing a childs, needs this could be used for the childs CAF chart. As a teaching assistant I am in a position of responsibility and just as I have a right to confidentiality so do the children in my care.The information protection Act 1998 was designed to protect the individual from the vulnerabilities of having personal information shared inappropriate ly to unconnected agencies or business or for criminals to be able to exploitsomeone by having access to private information. and relevant information should be asked for and stored in a secure manner from the parents and cares of the children. As a teaching assistant I have to respect their privacy and the sensitive nature of the information that I may come into contact with. When childrens plan of education is being discussed at school meetings, only relent confidential information should be discussed. There is an pact on schools, nurseries and school clubs to only keep the information for as long as is necessary.4.2Reassuring children, young people and adults about confidentiality Children need to know that their confidence is important to me as a teaching assistant, however I also have an obligation to report information to relevant people such as the police, social services the head teacher or other relevant person, for instance should a child reveal that they are victims of abuse. It may be that as a teaching assistant I am asked to advise children on how to keep themselves safe when on the internet, by teaching then to keep their personal information confidential.Sometimes information has to be shared, should a child in my care become ill it may be relevant to share the information of an allergy to a doctor. Most information that is confidential would require the consent of the childs parent before being shared but emergency care and where there is a legal obligation to disclose information would override this. Parents and carers also need to know that the teaching assistant is an honest responsible person who is able to take the information that is confidential and only share it when necessary.4.3Breaching confidentialityIn certain circumstances it is necessary to breach confidentiality and tell others, such as, cases of a child or young person who is suspected of being abused or at risk of harm. It must be remembered that you cannot tell a child/y oung person you can keep their confidence a secret if they say something of concern, this is to keep you and them safe.
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