
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Discuss Shakespeares dramatic technique in Act one scenes 1 to 7 Essay Example for Free

Discuss Shakespeares dramatic technique in Act one scenes 1 to 7 Essay The chief character of the play is Macbeth. He is first of all Thane of Glamis and then inherits the title thane of Cawdor from an executed traitor. Instigated by a prophecy from the Witches that he will become king, and urged on by his wife, he murders King Duncan, and has himself proclaimed king. To secure his position, he is driven to commit further criminal acts, and plunges his country into civil war. After he is killed in battle by Macduff he is described as a dead butcher. The first scene is set on the moor that is bleak and desolate. This scene is one of desolation and devastation. The desolate countryside metaphorically separates the humans from the Witches who are used to open the play to introduce the idea of fate and destiny. From the stage directions, the battlefield creates a scene of death, carnage and destruction in line 4, when the battles lost and won and line 12 and 13, fair is foul and foul is fair a paradox is offered. How can fair be foul? How a battle be lost and won? The Witches chant in rhyming couplets and their speech is deliberately equivocal to create confusion in the mortals, as it is open t interpretation. He rhyming couplets give the effect of an incantation, while the thunder and lightning echo the noise of the battle. Similarly strange is thepaaradox that closes the scene: contained within it is the oxymoron, fair is foul, and foul is fair, a paradoxical idea that the Witches are able to transform what is good into evil, and make what is evil appear virtuous. These are also the first words spoken in the play by Macbeth, the echo establishes an unconscious contact with the Witches and is dramatically effective. We discover that the Witches are on the moor to meet with Macbeth. They seem to know where Macbeth will be. Once again they show that they can foretell the future. What can Macbeth the plays eponymous hero have to do with these abnormal, weird woman who look not like thinhabitants of earth? How does he fit into their plans? The opening scene heightens the audiences expectations, as Macbeth will soon appear on stage, the audience will try and establish exactly why the Witches hope t meet him. Witches held great significance for a Jacobean audience who believed in witchcraft. Witches were the objects of morbid and fevered fascination during this era. The Jacobeans were afraid and superstitious. They suspected that the Witches were credited with powers and could predict the future, fly, cause fogs and tempests, bring on night in daytime, kill animals and curse people, with fatal diseases as well as induce nightmares. By the use of this technique, Shakespeare knew that he would get his audiences attention with the opening scene. Although brief, this scene sets the supernatural atmosphere of the play, which is central to its dramatic action. In scene two, Shakespeare cleverly moves the scene to establish a different mood when introducing the humans. The seething battlefield replaces the moor, foul thunder is replaced by the sound of the military alarum and the humans replace the Witches. In this scene we meet Duncan, the King of Scotland, and his sons, Donalbain and Malcolm. Duncans supremacy is instantly established for he is the first to speak. They receive a report of the battle fought against the King of Norway and Macdonwald, the thane of Cawdor who has proved disloyal to Duncan. From the report he audience learns about the heroism and bravery of one of the King Duncans generals, Macbeth. Shakespeare continues to build suspense as he introduces the humans. The audience are also introduced to evil in man and the evil in warfare. The playwrights use of language helps to bring the battle to life and emphasises Macbeths importance. Dynamic verbs like, smokd, brandishd and unseamd suggest Macbeths skills and courage as his sword smokd with bloody execution. Once again we hear about Macbeth before we see him. Hw=e is spoken of in glowing terms and he becomes a hero in the eyes of the audience. Though he is referred to as a worthy gentlemen, there is still the memory that his name is connected with the Witches. Brave Macbeth kills Macdonwald by carving out his passage till he unseemd him from the nave to the chops with his brandishd steel that smokd with bloody execution. Part of this description highlights Macbeths bravery and valour, but the captains description of Macbeths unseeming of Macdonwald can be interpreted in different ways. Shakespeare intentionally paints an ambiguous picture of Macbeth. Macbeth, however, is still not satisfied until he had fixd [Macdonwalds] head upon the battlements. The decapitation of Macdonwald would support a more negative reading of Macbeth as oppose to his courageous behaviour. Scene two concludes with an ironic note as Macbeth is rewarded with the title of Thane of Cawdor which has been taken from that most disloyal traitor and given to Macbeth, who will prove to be more treacherous: No more than Thane of Cawdor shall deceive, Our bosom interest. Go pronounce his death, And with his former title greet Macbeth. The audience will realise that to make Macbeth Thane of Cawdor is a great mistake. We see Macbeth, the loyal subject and great hero who fought for good, change and become corrupt, and gradually deteriorate into a vicious tyrant. At the start of scene three, we meet the Witches once again in foul weather and we begin to witness their spiteful destructive nature. One sister has been killing swine while another has possession of a pilots thumb. The other Witch punishes a sailors wife by conjuring up a storm, therefore getting at her husband. From this the audience learns that the powers the Witches carry are limited. They cannot kill, but are able to create a climate for evil to flourish. Though his bark cannot be lost Yet it shall be tempest-tossd. The Witches curse on the sailor can be read as a prediction of Macbeths future. We are shown that the Witches are determined to make people suffer. They torment the sailor and drain him dry as hay. They deny him sleep at night and in the day. They ensure that he shall live a man forbid. However, Macbeth can be destroyed because the forces of veil are present within him. He alone causes chaos in the world by destroying the natural order when he deliberately choose the path of evil. The ship is a metaphor for the state of Scotland which is going to tempest tossd when Macbeth becomes king. A drum beats and Macbeth makes an entrance. We finally meet him and it is significant that his first appearance is with the Witches on the moor. This represents his connection with evil. His paradoxical word So foul and fair a day I have not seen arrests us because it replicates those of the Witches. This once again draws inferences between Macbeth and evil. This could suggest that the Witches have control over Macbeth, or that the hags are in some way similar to him. The appearance of the Witches like their speeches is equivocal. It is Banquo, who is used now as a dramatic device, who first comments on the bizarre appearance of the Witches. They look not like thinhabitants oth earth, and yet are ont and they appear to be women though they have beards. Banquo is calm and is looking for a reasonable explanation to why the Witches are on the moor, whilst Macbeth is impatient and wants an immediate answer to why the Witches have come with such prophetic greetings. The Witches prophesise that Macbeth, Thane of Glamis will become Thane of Cawdor and king hereafter, and that Banquo will have kings. Part of the prophecy is immediately fulfilled when a messenger announces that Duncan, King of Scotland has promoted Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. We the audience realise, that from the previous scene, Macbeth with his courage and bravery, and not the Witches powers, has won him the title Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth is rapt withal and becomes lost in his thoughts, as the Witches have articulated his secret desire of killing the King. His mind has been corrupted and he wants glory for himself. Shakespeare shows how evil can control what is good in Macbeth. Macbeth is torn between the forces of good and evil and he believes that he cannot be king unless evil wins over good. Macbeth reveals a disturbed mind, when he speaks his own thoughts aloud in a soliloquy, as murder is in his mind. His first thought is to leave everything to chance: If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me, Without my stir Macbeth has asked Ross and Angus, the messengers, why they dress [him] in borrowd robes- why they call him by the name of Cawdor, when Cawdor lives. By the end of the scene Macbeth is contemplating borrowing the kings robes. The reference to clothing in this scene is symbolic. The imagery of clothing indicates status, prestige and symbolises a persons title. By using the imagery of clothing, Shakespeare is trying to show that if you wear someone elses clothes they may feel uncomfortable and they may cleave not to their mould because they are borrowd. Therefore if Macbeth wears the robes of the kingship they will cleave not to [his] mould as he is not worthy of the kings throne. When the Witches depart in this scene, Macbeth orders them to, Stay, you imperfect speakers tell me more. Macbeths curiosity has got the better of him and his demand of the Witches indicates his obsessive interest with these weird women and their prophecies. The Witches vanish into the air as they do not receive orders from mortals and will not be dictated to. The source and purpose of their evil remains a mystery to the audience. Shakespeare metaphorically compares the disappearance of the Witches to bubbles. Macbeths life can also be represented as a bubble, as the honour, love, obedience and troops of old friends that he has will soon disappear under the wishes they had stayd. Ross and Angus enter, they are used as dramatic devices to convey to Macbeth the Kings decision to reward Macbeth with the title Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth and Banquo are both shocked as the devil has spoken the truth. Macbeth is already snared by the Witches prophecies, as he believes that, The greatest is behind On the other hand, Banquo can see through the trickery of the Witches. He is sceptical and can see through Macbeths motives in asking him whether he hopes his heirs will become kings. Banquo tries to warm Macbeth against the instruments of darkness. He tries to convince Macbeth that the Witches tell simple truths that are easy to believe, so that when they want to deceive people with more important matters they will also be believed. And often times, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betrays In deepest consequence. Banquo is portrayed b by Shakespeare in a positive light, as he does not make him an accomplice in Duncans murder. The stage directions show that Macbeth turns aside. This informs the audience that he is talking to himself. This symbolises Macbeth turning away from the other characters in the play as well as the path to righteousness. Shakespeare uses dramatic language to emphasise Macbeths horror. His seated heart knock at his ribs and his hair is unfixed. The scene concludes with Macbeth and Banquo following Ross and Angus to meet the king. The audience are filled with a sense of apprehension and anticipation. One question remains: how will Macbeth get the crown? Scene four opens with a focus on treachery and betrayal. King Duncan hears his son, Malcolm, relate how the treacherous Cawdor has been executed. Also in this scene Duncan reveals his lack of knowledge regarding his own thanes. He exposes a very human weakness-one which lies at the heart of the play- the difficulty of working out who is loyal and who is pretyending loyalty: Theres no art to find the Minds construction in the face. It seems likely that there is an implicit criticism of Duncan here: a good King should be able to assess the loyalty of all his servants. Duncans failure to do so reveals his limitation as a monarch- one who is taken in by appearances. Dramatic irony is introduced where Duncan announces that Cawdor was a Kinsman in whom he had absolute trust. Macbeths betrayal will replicate that of Cawdors. When Macbeth and Banquo enter, Duncan immediately singles out Macbth for praise, oworthiest cousin. The superlative worthiest subtly reveals that Macbeth is yet another thane in whom Duncan has absolute trust. Macbeth is the most dangerous of the potential traitors because he is closest to the king. Scene four is the only time we see Macbeth and Duncan together and Shakespeare contrasts the forces of good and evil. Macbeths deceit and hypocrisy is shown in this scene when he praises King Duncan and promises to honour him with loyalty. He convinces Duncan that servicing your highness will be its own reward. Macbeth is a hypocrite because in the previous scene he has contemplated the murder of Duncan. Duncan ironically comments that he has started to metaphorically plant Macbeth, meaning that he will make sure that Macbeth grows greater and stronger as a reward for his services. This is ironic because what is growing in Macbeth is the seed of ambition to be King himself. Shakespeare deliberately plants an obstacle in Macbeths path when Duncan announces that his eldest son, Malcolm, is to succeed him as king. Macbeth now sees Malcolm as an obstacle between himself and the throne which he must fall down or else oer leap. Shakespeare uses the euphemism that Malcolm is a step he must oer leap, in order to disguise the realisation that Malcolm must be eradicated. In an aside, symbolically turning his back on the King, Macbeth reveals to the audience, and articulates for the first time his black and deep desires. He invokes the powers of darkness to hide [their] fires. At the beginning of scene five, we see that Macbeth and his dearest partner of greatness, Lady Macbeth, have a very close relationship. This is a contrast to how distant they become later on in the play when Macbeths fiend-like queen is innocent of the knowledge. She is innocent of the knowledge as Macbeth does not confide about his plans to kill Banquo, and she shows ignorance of Macbeths murder of Macduffs family. She asks in her rambling state where the Thane of Fifes wife is now. Macbeths lack of sorrow when he hears of his wifes death is also indicative of how they have drifted apart. In all the public scenes in the play she acts like the innocent flower; in the private scenes we see the serpent undert. It is suggested that she commits suicide as she has become lonely and rather isolated. Lady Macbeth does not live up to the expectation of a typical Jacobean/Elizabethan woman. She wants the spirits the spirits to unsex her so that she can be tough and strong. Lady Macbeth uses strong imperatives and determined language that is brutal and violent. This is because she is delighted with her husbands letter and shows determination that he will become king. The letter form Macbeth describes the Witches appearances, their prophecies-in particular that which promises the throne to Macbeth- but does not mention King Duncans announcement of his heir; the audience can therefore, assume that this letter was written immediately after the events which occur in the third scene. Although Lady Macbeth knows that her husband is ambitious, she is aware that he is too full othe milk of human kindness. She says that ruthlessness is an illness that Macbeth does not have. This is not a true portrayal of Macbeth, because from the previous scenes and throughout the play we see that Macbeth is not too full othe milk of human kindness but lacks it. Perhaps she is comparing Macbeth to herself and is saying that Macbeth is not as ambitious as she is. Lady Macbeth under estimates the powers of her conscience. She see her conscience as her weakness, not realising until after Duncans murder how she will pour[her] spirits in his ear. She has also decided that nothing will stand between him (or her?) and the golden crown ( a metonym for the throne). Lady Macbeth greets her husband like the Witches, which subconsciously links her to evil and believes that her call to the murdering ministers has been answered. She feels now the future in the instant and that she is beyond this ignorant present. This is ironic as Lady Macbeth is still being ignorant. Lady Macbeths confidence is a contrast to Macbeths uncertainty. She advises him to look like the innocent flower but be the serpent undert and to only look up clear. She is in control of their relationship and tries to help Macbeth find the necessary determination to do the deed. Though Lady Macbeth appears to be confident, she uses euphemisms when talking to Macbeth about the nights great business. At this point in the play, Macbeth has been tempted to commit regicide, however he has tried to resist temptation. Macbeths resistance, however, is not vigorous enough to stand up to his wifes ability to manipulate him. The scene closes dramatically with Lady Macbeth emphatic affirmation that Duncans fate rests in her hands- leave all the rest to me. Scene six sees King Duncan arriving at Macbeths castle, he and Banquo talk about how pleasant a place it is to visit. They comment that the air recommends itself and is delicate. This is ironic in view of Lady Macbeths words in the previous scene, and even more so when compared with that of the Witches say about the fog and filthy air surrounding their evil deeds. Duncan also says that he is grateful for the love which is shown to him. Here again, Shakespeare uses dramatic irony. The idea that Duncan feels safe and loved in the surroundings is ironic as this will be the scene of his murder. This creates a sense of anticipation for the audience. It shows Duncans naivety, as he keeps full trust in Macbeth and his fair and noble hostess. We are presented in this scene with images of tranquillity and the words host and guest are repeated. At the beginning of scene seven, we once again see the struggle between the forces of good and evil. Macbeth cannot make up his mind whether to kill Duncan and he wrestles with his conscience in his soliloquy. He knows that the murder would be wrong and would he would end up paying the price for his crime, but he has vaulting ambition that is very persuasive to his conscience. Though Macbeth is driven by his vaulting ambition he redeems himself and will proceed no further in this business, as Duncans murder will be like angels, trumpet-tongud and heaven would be outraged. The verb will shows Macbeths determination to keep his soul. Toward the end of his soliloquy Macbeth compares his excessive ambition to a horse that tries to jump too high and fall on the other side of the fence. Within the soliloquy Macbeths thoughts seem to be fragmented, this is shown by the use of many full stops. Lady Macbeth verbally assaults her husband using violent language that becomes heightened. She accuses him of being a coward and questions his manhood: when you durst do it, she says, then you were a man. She is forceful in her language and she conjures up images of horror. She knows, How tendertis love the babe that milks me: I would, While it was smiling in my face, Have pluckd my nipple from boneless gums, and dashd the brains out Lady Macbeth seems to have been granted her earlier wish to the evil spirits to Fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty. Macbeths earlier decision not to kill Duncan crumbles under the scornful attack of his wife, especially when his bravery is questioned. However, he is still worried bout what will happen to then if they should fail. Shakespeare cleverly ends the scene with rhyming couplets. Away, and mock the time with fairest show, False face must hide what the false heart doth know. The rhyming couplets symbolise their connection with the Witches and evil as they complete their preparations for murder. The audience waits in anticipation. Throughout Act one Shakespeare creates an atmosphere of tension by exploring the theme of evil against good. Symbolism is used to emphasise this theme. Dramatic irony, dramatic language and strong descriptive scenes also help to build up an atmosphere of tension.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Accountability: The Key in the Healthcare Environment Essay examples -

Accountability is key in the healthcare environment in that members of a healthcare organization must be responsible for their actions and held accountable by the organization or the consumer. Many significant changes have occurred in healthcare and one of the most noted was the beginning of professional integration between businesses, hospitals and physicians. Solid partnerships have emerged and over time individuals within these successful healthcare organizations have developed mutual understanding and respect for the others profession (Fraschetti & Sugarman, 2009). Leaders and managers in healthcare have used this knowledge to build high-performance teams through various competencies particularly with the skills found in interpersonal competency. Through positive communication, training, mentorship, collaboration and staff empowerment transitional managers and leaders exhibit interpersonal competency skills, which are very effective in the healthcare environment (Guo & Anders on, 2005). Through management’s team building efforts we see high-performance healthcare teams emerge with trust, shared goals and a strong organizational culture that understand the mission and the goals they need to accomplish. Individuals, teams, managers and leaders in a successful organization know and understand their responsibilities and the standard that is expected. Scott (2001) outlines a three-part accountability process that defines what is expected, assists individuals in understanding expectations, and establishes standards and guarantees that are consistent and allow for accountability. Measures and Implementation in the Accountability Process In the United States Navy we are taught the Navy definition of accountability and then ... ...rive. Pivot Health website. Retrieved February 21, 2011, from http://www.pivothealth.com/userfiles/pdf/090701%20Bob%20Fraschetti%20Michael%20Sugarman%20Successful%20Hosiptal-Physician%20Integration%20Trustee.pdf. Guo, K. L. & Anderson, D. (2005). The new health care paradigm: Roles and competencies of leaders in the service line management approach. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 18(6/7), XII,XIII,XIV,XV,XVI,XVII,XVIII,XIX,XX. Retrieved January 11, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 948775781). Miller, N. (2000). Seeking accountability. Nursing Economics, 18(2), 92. Retrieved March 6, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 52765815). Scott, G. (2001). Accountability for service excellence. Journal of Healthcare Management, 46(3), 152-5. Retrieved March 6, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 73034086).

Monday, January 13, 2020

A Particular Friend or Family Member Essay

If I need to choose one of my family members, I may prefer to write about my superhero in my life that is my beloved father. Actually in my mind, I had three persons that always be my superheroes in my life. They are my elder sister that I call ‘Along’, my beloved mother and my beloved father. Each of them has their own achievement in their life that I think I should be proud and respect to them. Besides that, these three person are always be the person who always supporting me from my back when I need somebody to be my shoulder beside my closed friend. My father might not be the superheroes such like Superman, Spiderman or Batman but my beloved father are always be the great superhero in my life. There are the reasons why I choose my beloved father to be my super hero and the person I think I need to describe about. > First and foremost, I want to describe about the characteristics of my father that I love so much. Everyone in this world has their own father and surely they also have their own opinion about the characteristics of their beloved father. So do I, I also has my own opinion about the characteristics of my father that I impressed from I am kids until who I am today. He is an open-minded and a patient person because if I want to share anything to my father, he will listen carefully on what I want to talk about and after that he will try to give the best solution to me to solve the problem. After that, he is good disciplinarian because my father loves his children but he does not let we get away with murder. He strongly disapproves of his children’s misdeeds, using tough love to prove a point. He does this through the power of his words, not his fists. Furthermore, he is a firm father too because when he set a rule, he still give we a little freedom to break it with a rational re asons. In addition, from my observation my father has a great characteristic to be a good leader to my family, his friends and students. I cannot deny about it because I heard with my own ears what my father’s friends and students talking about his attitude in work and everything are positive criticism. Actually, I am proud to be his daughter because there too many achievement that my father achieved in his career. Sometimes I feel confused why my father’s friends said that I need to be proud with my own father. And now, I knew the reasons why and I agreed with them. The achievement that my father had achieved in his life really can inspire me to be like him. He is really hard working to get what he wants to achieve in his life. He really makes me feel that my father is a great person at my eyes. Furthermore, he is a discipline person in his work. If my father had nothing to do on that day, he will start to finish his work. My father will try to finish his work according to the plan he created. My father is a humble person too because the first point I see is my father not teach my family to live in clover, although in fact he was able to provide it. Then, my father still be himself even he had a great achievement in his life and he do not like to use his rank that he has in his daily life or anything. For him, the rank will bring us nowhere and it was just the rank. Last but not least, I really impressed with the history of life of my beloved father. My father actually are not comes from an easy family but with his hard working and perseverance in study can helps he to improve the standard of living of his family until now. That is why my father really focused about the education in our family. It is because my father always said that without education, we will go nowhere. That was his principle in life. My father does not want his own family not have an education even we cannot get the best achievement or a good career. He also wants to give the best to our family and I realized about that I really impressed to make my father as the role model that I can emulate in my life. For conclusion, we need to give our best in anything we do in this life. Besides that, we need to know on how to appreciate the kindness and others person around us especially our beloved father. Their sacrifices cannot be valued with a million dollars of money or the diamonds in this world. Make our father as our superhero are the best choice because there can be good role model to us in life. A true friend A friend who helps out when we are in trouble is a true friend—unlike others who disappear when trouble arises. Friends are one of most important things in our lives. Unfortunately we have a few real friends. I have a lot of friends- girls and boys. It doesn’t matter what they are. They have to be my real friends. He or she has to be good and reliable. It doesn’t matter how he or she looks like. He or she has to be responsible and helpful. I think these people are one of the best people in the world. If she or he is attractive and sensitive it will be wonderful! Just like me! But we have to be good with our friends who haven’t got character like this. Every man has features which he doesn’t like. We shouldn’t forget that we are people, too. I’m sure that if we are good with people we will have more and better friends. I have a friend named Nobin Jacob who went to the High School –India (September 18, 2001) . He did not have to work because he parents paid for her school and all his expenses. All he had to worry about was studying and doing his homework. Nevertheless, instead of using the time wisely, he would always put off doing his schoolwork by saying that there is enough time to do it later. Moreover, almost ever every afternoon he watched television and talked on the phone with his friends. Still, he preferred to study after eight o’clock at night, but this was the time his friends wanted to go out. Unfortunately, he would hardly ever do his homework; thus, his essays were also late. After Nobin’s first year at the school, his grades seemed to get worse and worse. What do you think would happen if Elizabeth would have to work and pay her own tuition? Do you think it would change her behavior toward school? Finally, I concluded that students who pay their own tuition are more likely to do well in school. First and most importantly, I think it is proper time management that effects good performance in school. Let us look at the students who do not have to pay their own tuition, so they do not have to work. Because they have a lot of free time after school, they think that there is enough time to do their homework later, so they do not even bother to think about it and plan when to do it. For example, think about the time that some of them waste by watching their favorite TV shows, or by playing games on the Internet. This time could be used for doing math problems or for starting to write an essay, which could be due in a week. These students tend to put things off for later. On the other hand, because students who work while going to school have a limited time for studying and doing homework, they have to plan their time for the future, so they do not put themselves behind other classmates. They see time as time blocks, so they plan their work ahead. For example, if they know that they are working tomorrow, and their homework is due in three days, most likely they would start doing their homework today because they realize that tomorrow they will be too tired after work to do their homework. Indeed, time for work and school can be hard to juggle, but it helps students organize their time, so there is enough time to do the assigned homework or to study. In fact, they are paying for school with their own money; thus, they do not want to waste the opportunity to do well in school. For this reason, students who work and go to school at the same time value time more than students who do not work; working students must know how to organize their time to Close Friend Every human has their own needs and wants. Needs like food, home, clothes and so on are very significant for each and every human. Besides all those necessity, every human also needs to have a friend. Friends are one of most important things in our lives. I think these people are one of the best people in the world. Friends are people that you can rely on. Some name their friend as close friend. This happens when a particular friend, be concerned with you more like a family and vice-versa. You will get to know each other deeply. I have a lot of friends- girls and boys. But they are not my close friend. I can trust all of them though. They might be nice and friendly to me but they might not understand the real me. My close friend should be someone who knows every single thing about me, loving and is someone a part of me. Like everyone else, I also do have a friend; close friend. My close friend’s name is Tina. There is nobody like her who had changed my life dramatically. I first met Tina at my uncle’s wedding. I still remember she was dressed in a very astounding dress and was the center of attraction. I was very jealous of her back then. After having dinner, the dance floor was opened. I was afraid to ask her to dance with me and so was she. After few minutes, she walked towards me and she asked,† You’re Uncle Marik’s daughter right?†. I replied yes. I asked her how she knows me. Then she said that her father and my father are childhood friends. And that’s how we started talking to each other. We danced all night long. Tina is actually from Penang. Since it was too late that night, she and her family stayed over at my place. We got to know each other better now. I was sad when she had to go back the next day. Although we have just met, but I feel very happy having her by my side. After a few days, her mother called my mother to ask permission if Tina can stay with Dengue fever also known as breakbone fever, is an infectious tropical diseasecaused by the dengue virus. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash that is similar to measles. In a small proportion of cases the disease develops into the life-threateningdengue hemorrhagic fever, resulting in bleeding, low levels of blood platelets and blood plasma leakage, or into dengue shock syndrome, where dangerously low blood pressure occurs. Dengue is transmitted by several species of mosquito within the genus Aedes, principally A. aegypti. The virus has four different types; infection with one type usually gives lifelong immunity to that type, but only short-term immunity to the others. Subsequent infection with a different type increases the risk of severe complications. As there is no commercially available vaccine, prevention is sought by reducing the habitat and the number of mosquitoes and limiting exposure to bites. Treatment of acute dengue is supportive, using either oral or intravenous rehydration for mild or moderate disease, and intravenous fluids and blood transfusion for more severe cases. The incidence of dengue fever has increased dramatically since the 1960s, with around 50–100 million people infected yearly. Early descriptions of the condition date from 1779, and its viral cause and the transmission were elucidated in the early 20th century. Dengue has become a global problem since the Second World War and is endemic in more than 110 countries. Apart from eliminating the mosquitoes, work is ongoing on a vaccine, as well as medication targeted directly at the virus. Typically, people infected with dengue virus are asymptomatic (80%) or only have mild symptoms such as an uncomplicated fever.[1][2][3] Others have more severe illness (5%), and in a small proportion it is life-threatening.[1][3] The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) ranges from 3–14 days, but most often it is 4–7 days.[4] Therefore, travelers returning from endemic areas are unlikely to have dengue if fever or other symptoms start more than 14 days after arriving home.[5]Children often experience symptoms similar to those of the common cold and gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea)[6] and have a greater risk of severe complications,[5][7] though initial symptoms are generally mild but include high fever.[7] The Causes And Effects Of Cramming Essay Every Day Student goes to school and university, and they are learning new material and new assignments. Some students study every day what they learnt, but some students let the studying until they have exams or something to do. That’s called cramming. What is the meaning of cramming? , and what are the causes of cramming? , and what are the positive and negative effects of cramming? Cramming is the practice of trying to study a large amount of class material in a short period, typically the night before an exam, test, or quiz. It is often done by students in preparation for upcoming exams .Students cram for a number of reasons including fear of failure because of disabilities, over with little or no time to study. This can happen to students with jobs, family obligations, or who may be involved in too many extra-curricular activities. Cramming may increase levels, low motivation to study on a regular basis well before time for tests, and underachievement. Cramming is often d iscouraged by educators because the hurried coverage of material tends to result in poor retention. There are various causes of cramming. First, the students do not follow a fixed time for study because they don’t schedule their studying. Second, students’ don’t take notes of important points given in the lecture, so they don’t study well for their quizzes and exams. Third, the students did not revise the material from time to time, so they forget the material. For example, a student took new topics in math. He should not revise it only in the day of the exam, but he should revise it from time to time. Also, another cause of cramming that the student feel boring of studying during the semester, so he/she will leave studying until the exams start. Cramming has a lot of negative and positive effects. There are variable negative effects of cramming. First, the person uses the memory instead of understanding the concepts and getting benefit from the material.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Prince And Discourse On Livy - 900 Words

In his famous works, The Prince and Discourse on Livy, Machiavelli meticulously discusses the importance of religion in the formation and maintaining a political order. Machiavelli regards religion as a political tool used by political elites for political purposes. He argues that the appearance of religion is good while the practice of it is harmful. One of the memorable passage from the Prince that supports Machiavelli’s claim is when he advices the prince to not to be good, and the prince should cultivate the appearance of the religion if he wants to maintain his state. The prince, he writes, â€Å"should appear all mercy, all faith, all honesty, all human, all religion† he adds â€Å"and nothing is more necessary to have than this last quality† (The Prince, 70). Here, Machiavelli argues, in order for the prince to maintain his state, it is necessary for the prince to go to the source of morality and by this he means religion. Thus, Machiavelli view on religio n is nothing but a necessary tool for maintaining a political authority. Furthermore, Machiavelli stresses the importance of the religion as a political mean to control and govern the masses. In the Discourse on Livy, Machiavelli uses the example of how Numa the founder of Roman religion, manipulates the Roman people by using religion to maintain order and peace. Machiavelli praises the wisdom of Numa for inventing a religion to control a very ferocious Romans. In praising Numa, Machiavelli writes: As he found a veryShow MoreRelatedThe Prince and the Discourses on Livy Essay2137 Words   |  9 Pagestaking place in Florence, Italy. Further discussed in the text are two of Machiavelli’s most renowned works, The Prince and the Discourses on Livy. Both books comprehend Machiavelli’s understandings of politics and explicit analysis on the various methods of governments with respect to principalities and republics. 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